Dungeon Dash
Snow Ball RacingSquid RunMonster Race 3dArctanAwayBilliardsBlockedBoltBomb BlastBox FactoryBreakpixBridge BuilderBumbly BeeCanalsChirpzColor BreakColor ItColor Maze PuzzleCrawlers BalanceCube QuestDark CastleDashDiffer HallDino BrosDittoDodging GameFixelFlatlandFloodsFloppy FishFramesFruit JamGRAvityGap Passer BotLayerueLight BounceLittle JumpLoadingMachine Test IncMinecadeMini GolfMonster MatchMonster Rush 1MorpheusMultislideNickNinja TowerPeople WheelPivotPlumbingPopixPower BoxesPushboxReboundRedBlueReversiRollerRoller CoasterRoperRuin CastleShoot ItSquare WarsStack BallSwitchSword Master 3dThis Side UpTower of HanoiUntangleVoid4x4 Monster Truck Driving 3dClear The IslandBottle Flip 2Unblock Cube 3dLittle PandaTower Jump 2Future RacerMerge Block 2048Climb HeroWitch KillerBalance StackCat Runner 1FishingIoFunny Shooter 2Xtreme Racing


Collect all the coins to win!


In this game, the player controls the movement of the head of a knight, and what they should do it is move it to the coin(s) in order to accomplish the level. Plenty of levels feature spikes, which are basically map hazards and should be avoided. Moreover, the later levels feature a key and a chest, where a key unlocking a chest is mandatory to complete the level.